Why Build a Highly Effective, High Functioning Team?

You can’t blame us, it’s not our fault!
We’ve been trained from all through our scholastic careers to be the best as an individual. Our motivation is as an individual, our assignments are mostly individual, and our grades are as individuals. It’s no wonder that when we start to work in the real world, they ask us to work together as a team to maximize our results and we scoff at the idea, make a half-hearted attempt or just don’t know how to do this!
I’m not blaming the school systems, they have enough on their minds than have us blame them for one more thing. They on the most part, do a great job preparing us for the business world. So it’s our duty to address the 500 pound gorilla in our work places, our businesses and even in some of our families –

To be prepared to compete in a world economy you must have high performing, effective teams to take your company there! And today, we are all apart of a world economy. Even if all you do is sell product on Ebay, your selling your Aunt May’s tea set to someone half way to Australia. You’re in a world economy whether you planned on it or not.  And the only way you can achieve the visions for your organization is by activating the most powerful asset at your disposal, the people in your teams!

What are you doing to better your team’s effectiveness today?