The North Korean Army Can Teach You How to Manifest Your Dreams

North Korean War MachineAs Americans, we seem more concerned about the saber-rattling of the North Korean Army than the citizens of South Korea, only 90 miles away. Reports come in saying that business is as usual in the city of Seoul and the consensus from  the many interviews with regular people on the street state that they are going about life like normal.

One American reporter asked, “How can you be so calm and nonchalant with the possibilities of war happening right on your doorstep?” To which one young person being interviewed responded, “Sure we are concerned and we are prepared, but to give any more attention to that fact will give the North Koreans and it’s leader, Kim Jong-un  what they want, attention, and then they would have won.”

So what this young South Korean person being interviewed said is that she is committed to being prepared, but not attached to the constant war threatening rhetoric.” Just like when we manifest our dreams, being prepared to receive those dreams is as important as asking for them. By being committed to what you want, the possibilities go way up that you will receive them.

It’s much like the understanding that within a typical American breakfast of eggs and bacon, the chicken is attached to the process while the pig is totally committed! By committing to our dreams as if it has already happened, we are manifesting what ever we want faster and more efficiently into our lives. By being attached to a dream means that you may think about it, and in some cases, it may be the only thing that you think about all the time, but you don’t believe that you have it.

Kevin Trudeau , on one of his radio programs, explains it best with a simple but powerful mind exercise. He would instruct you to think of a money goal, let’s say $100,000. Now think about the $100,000, write down on a piece of paper, think about what you could do with that kind of money and how it would impact your life. How do you feel? Did you think you were any closer to manifesting that $100,000?

Now what he would have you do is imagine that $100,000 again, but this time, imagine that the check has already been written, deposited in your bank account. but you won’t be able to access the money for another 4 months. But it’s there. It’s just not yet fully accessible to be withdrawn.

Now between the two examples, how did you experience one over the other? Which one felt more real? Which one felt like the $100,00 was within reach?

If you’re like most, the second example felt more real. The feeling of anticipation. The feeling that it’s happened and that just we need to be patient and continue going forward with our day-to-day actions that will bring us our dream of having $100,000. The second example creates the feeling of being committed while the first example is the feeling of being attached. It’s the “committed” example that vibrates the energy like a beacon attracting our dreams to us. That energy is created through our feelings and emotions, which communicates to the universe, God, your higher power,  that we are ready to receive.

So by believing that it is so, your dreams become your reality. Have fun, get excited and think about what dreams do you what to manifest for your life!